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Streamline your business performance and operations with our ERP software that offers modern and scalable solution to your business

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Enterprise Resource Planning

“Our ERP products cater to a wide range of verticals ranging from manufacturing, healthcare, finance, tourism to retail, education, and media & Information domains. "

Enterprise Resource Planning refers to a series of software that organisations use to manage every day business activities like accounting, project management, procurement, risk management and compliance, and chain supply operations. A complete ERP series consists of an enterprise performance management software, which allows to form a plan, predict, budget, and report on an organisation's financial results.


ERP Products

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ERP for Manufacturing

Our ERP solutions for manufacturing cover consulting, design, development and support across all modules supporting manufacturing sector enterprises. It's an off-the-shelf ERP that can be deployed on premise or on cloud with minimum customization for your business needs.

harbour ship

ERP for Trading

Our "off-shelf" ERP solutions for trading business can be deployed for all trading enterprises with or without minimum customization. We also do consulting, design and review of existing ERP and rebuild /redeploy your environmental ERP. It includes all essential features for project and process management, engineering, scheduling, capacity management, files management, material requirements planning, and quality management.

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ERP for Healthcare

Ready to deploy Hospital management system / Hotel management system to custom applications for hospitality sectors are our strengths. Our solutions have helped many hospitals to run their operations smoothly

construction site

ERP for Construction

Ready to deploy Construction management and real estate ERP with minimal customization covers the needs of real estate industry from marketing campaign, sale enquiry to construction management modules.


ERP for Retail

Our Retail ERP Solutions is tailormade to connect your business process that are vital for specific retail operations, Now track, asses and streamline all your crucial business process with our retail erp software.

study table with book

ERP for Education

Be it School, college or University-online or offline. We have ERP to cater to the needs of the education institutions. Our solutions are coupled with mobile and tablet friendly applications to meet the demands of new student community.

ERP Products

construction worker

ERP for Manufacturing

Our ERP solutions for manufacturing cover consulting, design, development and support across all modules supporting manufacturing sector enterprises. It's an off-the-shelf ERP that can be deployed on premise or on cloud with minimum customization for your business needs.

harbour ship

ERP for Trading

Our "off-shelf" ERP solutions for trading business can be deployed for all trading enterprises with or without minimum customization. We also do consulting, design and review of existing ERP and rebuild /redeploy your environmental ERP. It includes all essential features for project and process management, engineering, scheduling, capacity management, files management, material requirements planning, and quality management.

stethoscope with laptop

ERP for Healthcare

Ready to deploy Hospital management system / Hotel management system to custom applications for hospitality sectors are our strengths. Our solutions have helped many hospitals to run their operations smoothly

construction site

ERP for Construction

Ready to deploy Construction management and real estate ERP with minimal customization covers the needs of real estate industry from marketing campaign, sale enquiry to construction management modules.


ERP for Retail

Our Retail ERP Solutions is tailormade to connect your business process that are vital for specific retail operations, Now track, asses and streamline all your crucial business process with our retail erp software.

study table with book

ERP for Education

OurBe it School, college or University-online or offline. We have ERP to cater to the needs of the education institutions. Our solutions are coupled with mobile and tablet friendly applications to meet the demands of new student community.

Why ERP?

ERP systems link together and determine a surplus of business processes allowing the circulation of data between them. By gathering an organisation's shared transactional data from different sources, these systems cancel out the chances of data duplication and give data probity. ERP Software minimises operations and administrative costs by reducing errors, excess inventory, and duplicate tasks. The ERP systems today, are very crucial for managing hundreds and thousands of businesses of different sizes and industries.

What We Do In Erp ?

CMMS is a very important activity for any organisation. It possesses a lot of benefits with itself.

As Enterprise Resource Planners, we transform the strategic objectives and business vision of an enterprise into an achievable layout for business and IT change processes. We make organisations initiate their Enterprise application, working closely with the business management and IT to understand the business drivers and daily operation and how this needs to be displayed in the Enterprise Architecture. We work in a collective manner with key client operating teams to understand their business better and technology challenges from which the basis of Enterprise Application can be developed. Our Enterprise products suites like HRMS, CRM, F&A can be deployed off-shelf and our ERP for manufacturing and trading solutions can be easily deployed in your enterprise with minimum customisation. We also provide custom application's development for any enterprise requirements.

Man building wooden blocks

" We Do What's Right For Our Customer "

Enterprise Resource Planning refers to a series of software that organisations use to manage every day business activities like accounting, project management, procurement, risk management and compliance, and chain supply operations. A complete ERP series consists of an enterprise performance management software, which allows to form a plan, predict, budget, and report on an organisation's financial results.

We run all kinds of IT services that vow your success